Friday, 25 January 2008


The hijab is a much discussed topic in today's times in all parts of the world. Most discuss whether hijab is 'freedom or suppression.' Hijab basically means a partition. It is commonly used to refer to the head scarf but it actually means paritition that is complete covering of a person so as to form a partition.
Hijab in the fashion world has gone a long way from what it was. People want more flexible and easy to wear hijabs that they can use at work, at home and at special occasions of functions. There are many different types of hijabs.
The most common type of hijab is the oblong, rectangular or long hijab. This hijab basically is a long scarf. Long hijabs come in various designs and colours depending mainly on the geographical are and the taste in colour and material in that geographical area as well as the weather in that particular geographical area. A good example would be long hijabs in East Africa are made mainly of cotton or starched cotton due to the hot weather whereas long hijabs in Eastern Europe are made of wool or thick polyester.
Another common type of hijab is the square or triangular hijab. This is probably the most common type of hijab available. Countries like Turkey and South Africa are filled with square hijabs. These hijabs are made mainly of poly cotton or georgette. Square hijabs are also called triangular hijabs as these hijabs are normally folded across to form a triangle before they are worn. square hijabs are very common in printed format where there is some sort of block printing or machine printing done on the hijab.
The Kuwaiti hijab is another upcoming hijab. The Kuwaiti hijab is also called the wrap around hijab, the mona hijab or the Kuwaiti wrap. The Kuwaiti hijab is basically a one piece hijab which is made in the form of a tube linked to a rectangular hijab from the neck. This way the first portion of the Kuwaiti hijab is pulled over the head after which the second portion (long hijab) is wrapped round the head for a tight fit or to create an innovative style with the hijab.
The one piece hijab is also exceptionally popular. The one piece hijab is also known as Al amira hijab or amira hijab, a name it received after one of its first manufacturers. The Amira hijab is basically a cloth stitched all the way round to form a tube like structure. The Amira hijab is basically pulled over the head and the hair tucked in. The Amira hijab has the front stretched so as to cover the upper face properly as well as to cover all the hair.
Another upcoming hijab is the two piece hijab. The two piece hijab is also known as the two piece Al amira two piece hijab or Amira two piece. The two piece hijab is basically a one piece hijab with a pull over bonnet cap. The only difference is that the front potion of the main portion does not stretch out to the front as the second piece covers that with a pull over bonnet cap which is like a small tube or a wide head band. The advantage of a two piece hijab over its one piece counterpart is that it has a tighter fit and does not move out of place due to a lot of physical movement which is common in some types of hijab depending on the way its worn.
Another hijab type which is worth mentioning is the Igal hijab. The igal hijab is basically a long hijab with a pair of strands which is attached two thirds of the length down. The igal hijab is a very stylish hijab, the strands are tied at the back of the head and the longer end is wrapped around the head which can be done in various styles as the strands are holding the hijab down.
There are many other hijab styles and types of hijabs but this should give you a fair idea of what the hijab is about. This article has been written for the general knowledge of the public on the hijab.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Siratt Lifebook 2008

The Siratt Lifebook diary or Islamic diary is out now anda available to buy online and offline. The new Siratt diary has new chapters and has been improved aesthetically. There is also a larger variety of colours to choose from with the introduction of their new Italian design. The Siratt Diary is available in pocket size and desktop size. Please click on the link below to purchase the siratt lifebok.
Siratt Lifebook
Siratt Diary 2008